Home Care

Home Care

When a little more help is needed to allow you or a loved one to continue living independently at home,our experienced and highly trained carers can support you with all activities of daily living. At Jusrade care,we provide training to our staff to ensure that they have the skill and knowledge to allow our clients to remain at the comfort of their home for as long as possible,an environment that provide routine,familiarity and independence.
Clients are assured that we will work with them in order to achieve their set goals,working in an adaptive and flexible manner.We will work closely with clients to help find the ideal carer for the role each and every time.Our services are offered in a transparent manner,giving you clear information on the services we offer you and the relevant costs every step of the way.


The client can expect:

  • To receive a confidential service
  • To be treated with dignity and respect throughout their care
  • To be consulted and involved in the planning of service delivery
  • To be treated fairly on the basis of age,gender,race,religion,disability or sexual orientation
  • To decide how involved they want to be in making decisions.

We  operate a 24-hour call-out system,so if you need our care service at very short notice we'll be able to meet your needs.